2024 General Labor Price Sheet
(seals included) *pricing does not include worn parts or damaged parts other than common wear items, Seals glide rings, etc. Forks that come in on a bike are an additional $20, shocks vary depending on difficultly removing/installing and pivot design. If your suspension is dirty, we may add a cleaning fee of $10-$30. *All Listed pricing are approximate estimates and could change on a case-by-case basis.
Specialty services *available for most products * SHOP DISCOUNTS DO NOT APPLY TO SPECIALTY SERVICES
- Screw Extract $25
- Damper Bleed Only (shock) $70
- Nitro Charge $25
- Damper re-valve $60-$120 (parts not included)
- Individual Stanchion replacement *Fox and Rockshox only (32,35,36 Stanchion currently)
*Call for availability $150-$200
- Steer Tube Replacement *Available for most Brands, $150-$200
- Warranty Leg work back to manufacturer for product not purchased from us $50 plus shipping. Setup $30
- Fork Removal & Install $25 *Includes headset service
- Cut steer tube and install fork $30
- Stanchion fill $20-$50
- Bushing re-sizing $40 ($20 each side)
- Fork Bushing Replacement $30 each *plus parts, $120 for all 4 *plus parts
- Twin lock set up $50 (parts not included)
- Smashpot install $60
- Secus Service w/seals $60
-Secus Install (32,34,35,36,40) $35 (38) $45
- Service of products 15 years and older
- Service of product no longer supported by manufacturer
- Custom Tuning $60-$150
- Cleaning Fee $10-$30
- Cable and Housing Replacement ($25 Internal, other $10)
- Remove/Install Eyelet Bearings $10
- 2 bolt N/C
- Linkage removal $20
- Seized bolt extract $20-$60
- Brain $50
- Lock out remote individual $15 Set $30
- Cable and housing replacement individual $20 Set $30
- Parking lot set up $60 *Setting PSI, adjusting volume spacers, Balancing rebound and compression
-Parking lot setup with suspension service 50% off $30 lity, style, or even provide a review.