2024 General Labor Price Sheet
(seals included) *pricing does not include worn parts or damaged parts other than common wear items, Seals glide rings, etc. Forks that come in on a bike are an additional $20, shocks vary depending on difficultly removing/installing and pivot design. If your suspension is dirty, we may add a cleaning fee of $10-$30. *All Listed pricing are approximate estimates and could change on a case-by-case basis.
- Storia V3 $185-$200
- Arma V3 $185
- E Storia $185-$200
- Aria TBD
- Re Valve $60-100
- Eye to eye Change $500-$650
- Stroke Change $220-$300
- Era Full Service $195-$250
- Ferro TBD
- Lower Leg Service $125
- Damper Oil change $40
- Damper Rebuild $137
- Air Spring Service $40 (Basic)
- Air Spring Service $97.99 (Comprehensive)
- Damper Re-valve $60
- Travel Change $80 *parts not included, add $30 for every 10mm reduced.
Era V2.1 Upgrade Parts:
- Era V2.1 Upgrade $130
- Era V2.1 Bushing $88
- Era Labor For Bushing Swap $65
- Era Labor For Air Spring swap $50
- Era Lower Leg Service $75
- Damper Oil Change $40
Total price for Upgrade = $448